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R&D Services

LanGenomics BioDetect is a technology-based company of the CSIC, which focuses its activity on the biology, biotechnology and genomics sector of organisms and microorganisms. Currently, the company designs and executes research and innovation projects in soil, water and air for the early detection, control and bioremediation of invasive exotic species that cause biological invasions and consequently damage, diseases and pests in natural habitats, agriculture and food industry. LanGenomics BioDetect does all of this through the implementation of directed computing solutions, Environmental DNA protocols, genetic studies of organisms and the use of portable real-time sequencing technology.

In addition, LanGenomics BioDetect develops research and innovation actions for the biological control and conservation of localized protected or endangered species.

Finally, LanGenomics BioDetect offers the design and sale of adhoc products for the early detection of biological invasions in soil, water and air, research and innovation protocols in environmental DNA and professional training in the management of early detection technologies, sequencing, directed computing and modeling.

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Azul-Características-generales.jpg
  • ACTIVITY: Research and Experimental Development in Biotechnology.
  • LOCATION: Royal Botanical Garden (CSIC).
  • CONSTITUTION DATE:  23/03/2021
  • CATEGORY: R&D services
La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Azul-Estructura-empresarial.jpg
  • INCOME: 120.000€
  • GENERAL DESCRIPTION: LanGenomics BioDetect is a Technology-Based Company of the CSIC, which focuses its activity on the biology, biotechnology and genomics sector of organisms and microorganisms. Currently, the company designs and executes research and innovation projects in soil, water and air for the early detection, control and bioremediation of invasive exotic species that cause biological invasions and consequently damage, diseases and pests in natural habitats, agriculture and food industry. LanGenomics BioDetect does all of this through the implementation of directed computing solutions, Environmental DNA protocols, genetic studies of organisms and the use of portable real-time sequencing technology. In addition, LanGenomics BioDetect develops research and innovation actions for the biological control and conservation of localized protected or endangered species. Finally, LanGenomics BioDetect offers the design and sale of adhoc products for the early detection of biological invasions in soil, water and air, research and innovation protocols in environmental DNA and professional training in the management of early detection technologies, sequencing, directed computing and modeling.
    • Research and Development in Biology of Microorganisms in water, soil and air.
    • Design of directed computing tools for the early detection of biological invasions.
    • Genetics for the detection of protected or endangered species, and species that transmit emerging or non-emerging diseases that affect biodiversity, agriculture and the agri-food industry.
    • R&D&i in biology, agriculture and food industry.
  • INFRASTRUCTURE: Environmental DNA observation technology, Nanopore Sequencer, high computing tools and Databases with more than 10,000 records of scientifically identified and validated microorganisms.
La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Azul-Actividades-intereses-ID.jpg


  • Environmental DNA observation technology in water, soil and air.
  • Nanopore sequencing.
La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Azul-Participación-en-proyectos.jpg


  • R&D&i for the tracking and monitoring of biological microorganisms in the food industry. Closed service contract.
  • Analysis of the genetic diversity of species in aquatic ecosystems of the Government of Aragon. Closed service contract, Government of Aragon.


  • Validation of the fungicidal, bactericidal and virucidal properties of polymeric material of natural origin. Financial entity: SDLE.
  • Analysis of the genetic diversity of species in aquatic ecosystems of the Junta de Andalucía. Financial entity: Water Agency.
