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BIOVEGEN and the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy

The Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy 2021-2027 It has been designed to maximise coordination between state and regional planning and programming and to facilitate the articulation of our R&D&I policy with the EU science and innovation framework programme, Horizon Europe (2021-2027). 

It includes activities aimed at solving the problems caused by COVID-19, which is why it shows special emphasis on the health area in the first two years of the plan (2021-2022). It also highlights the importance of consolidating and promoting science and innovation as a tool for the social, economic and industrial reconstruction of our country. 

Main objectives: strengthening public-private collaboration, promoting the transfer of knowledge, improving the situation of research staff and institutions, enhancing Spain's capacity to attract, recover and retain talent and ensuring the application of the principle of real equality between women and men in R&D&I. 

With the implementation of this Strategy, it is expected to double the sum of public and private investments, until reaching the European average in 2027 (from 1.24 % of GDP in investment in R&D&I registered in 2018, to 2 .12 % in 2027). 

The national strategic lines are framed in the thematic groups of Horizon Europe: 

  1. health,
  2. culture, creativity and inclusive society, 
  3. security for society,
  4. digital world, industry, space and defense,
  5. climate, energy and mobility,
  6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources and environment. 

This Strategy is implemented through the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023. One of the revitalization actions contemplated in this Plan are the Technological and Innovation Platforms (PTIs).

What are Technology Platforms?

Technological Platforms are an essential agent to promote dialogue and public-private collaboration, and constitute an instrument of R&D&I policy; Driven by the business fabric, they are an important actor in defining R&D&I priorities, both sectoral and intersectoral. The aid contemplated in this PEICTI is intended for technological platforms with the objectives of (1) promoting the incorporation of all agents in the value chain; and (2) identify applied research and experimental development agendas that, responding to sectoral demands, allow scientific-technical challenges to be addressed. To satisfy these objectives, it is necessary to consider the convergence of technologies and knowledge and promote collaboration between platforms.

State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023

Network of Technological Platforms

The Technological Platforms are grouped in a National Network supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

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