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BIOVEGEN participates in the II International MICROBIOME Congress

The Microbiome2 congress, organized by Agromarketing and Ideagro, is a space for knowledge transfer in the use of microorganisms applied to agriculture, whose objective is to promote connections between technicians, producers, companies and research centers. The event took place in Cartagena on November 3 and 4, 2021.

This second edition had more than 1,200 professionals registered in the in-person and virtual modalities, from 38 different countries. The event was attended by about 800 people in person, while around 400 participated virtually. Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna, manager of BIOVEGEN, attended as a speaker on November 3 and participated in the round table on Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Joaquín Gómez (Director of INFO), Carlos García Izquierdo (research professor at CEBAS-CSIC), Camino García (Director of Communication and PR at AEFA) and María Engracia (Director of R&D&i at Orgánicos Pedrín) participated in it. ) along with Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna.
