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About our members

BIOVEGEN – Spanish Technology Platform for Plant Biology is a public-private partnership, led by the business sector, which brings together entities from the agrifood sector with an interest in R&D in applied Plant Biology. To that end, BIOVEGEN coordinates agrifood entities, connecting technological offer & demand and generating business opportunities through public-private collaboration. BIOVEGEN develops collaborations and R&D projects, identifying technological challenges of the sector. The Platform also serves as an interface between science community, business sector and administration. To do so, BIOVEGEN offers a wide range of tools to facilitate R&D activities to its members.

Currently, BIOVEGEN has 185 member entities

  • 149 Companies
  • 12 Private Associations / Foundationyes
  • 25 Public Research Centers

BIOVEGEN members characterization

BIOVEGEN members activities (%)

BIOVEGEN members location
