Plant health and biotechnology.
- ACTIVITY: biotechnology for plant health.
- LOCATION: Murcia Science Park. Madrid Highway Km. 388. Espinardo Complex. Building R 2nd Floor (30100) Espinardo (Murcia).
- CONSTITUTION DATE: 22/07/2013.
- CATEGORY: small business. Spin off from the Segura Center for Soil Science and Applied Biology of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CEBAS-CSIC).
- CONTACT: (+34) 968 277 844.
ABIOPEP SL is dedicated to the research and development of solutions to improve quality and productivity in vegetables. It began its activity focused on plant health and more recently it addresses broader issues related to the improvement of agronomic characteristics and fruit quality, for which different strategies and tools are developed and implemented, combining extensive scientific knowledge with its own innovative technologies. . This Innovative and Technology-Based company was established on July 22, 2013 as a spin off of the CEBAS-CSIC Plant Pathology group. Its technology is based on the knowledge of this group that has been working in plant virology since 1999, and is complemented by the contribution and business, management and research experience of its founding partners and its entire human team.
- INCOME: 1.607.532,67 €.
- GENERAL DESCRIPTION: research and development of technologies for crop protection. Biotechnological solutions to improve quality and productivity in horticulture.
- BUSINESS LINES: mainly plant health. They also address other issues related to development, productivity and quality of crops.
- Products:
- AbioProtect: crop protection.
- State-of-the-art techniques for virus diagnosis.
- Services:
- Detection, diagnosis and diversity of pathogens that affect vegetables.
- Genome editing of horticultural species.
- Turnkey R&D projects.
- Products:
- DATA OF INTEREST: collaborators:
- Companies:
- Perichán
- The Palm
- Unigenia
- Procomel
- Research centers:
- Miguel Hernández University (UMH)
- University of Murcia
- Companies:
- Biotechnological plant health solutions for vegetables.
- Detection, diagnosis and diversity of pathogens that affect vegetables.
- Tomato genome editing.
- State-of-the-art techniques for the diagnosis and discovery of viruses. Industrial Doctorate Program 2014 / MINECO.
- Cross protection as a method of virus control in crops. Industrial Doctorate Program 2015 / MINECO.
- Generation of tools for editing cucurbitaceae and solanaceous genomes. Torres Quevedo / MINECO.
- New biotechnological plant health solutions for vegetables. NEOTEC / CDTI Program.
- Mapping of mutations that confer resistance to sweet cucumber mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato. Torres Quevedo / MINECO.
- Study of volatile organic compounds emitted by plants in response to viral infection and their possible biotechnological application as natural antiviral compounds. Torres Quevedo / MINECO.
- Traditional and biotechnological tools to create new varieties of melon with high added value characteristics adapted to Murcia cultivation and markets. Ris3Mur / Department of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment.
- Generation of innovative tools for the improvement of traditional melon varieties. Torres Quevedo / MINECO.
- Innovative network for next generation sequencing of the virome. EU MSCA-ITN-ETN / EU HORIZON 2020.
- Adaptation of Mediterranean horticultural crops to multiple stresses induced by climate change. PRIMA S2 2018 / CDTI.
- New technologies to obtain resistance to PepMV in tomatoes. Collaboration Challenges 2013 / MINECO.
- Combination of systems biology and high-throughput experimental approaches to obtain durable resistance against plant viruses in crops (COBRA). PLANT KBBE 2013 / Agence Nationale de la Recherche (NR), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Fundação para a Ciênca ea Tecnologia (FCT).
- Biotechnological approaches to generate sources of resistance to PepMV in tomatoes. Torres Quevedo / MINECO.
- Editing the melon genome to achieve broad-spectrum resistance to viruses. Torres Quevedo / MINECO.
- Plant health biotechnology for vegetables. EIBT INFO. INFO.
- New biotechnological plant health solutions for vegetables (NIDO). NEOTEC / CDTI Program.