The Conference “Opportunities for R&D&I in the new European context” was successfully held

The Circular Economy Interplatform Group (GIEC), made up of 28 Technology Platforms, organized this online event, which had nearly 400 attendees.
On May 13, the Conference “Opportunities for R&D&i in the new European context” was held, organized by GIEC and with the invaluable collaboration of the State Research Agency (AEI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).
During the event, attended by almost 400 experts, the opportunities for innovation in the Circular Economy offered by the new European R&D&I calls for the development of collaborations and R&D projects were analyzed.
The inauguration was carried out by Enrique Playán, Director of the AEI, and Javier Ponce, General Director of the Center for Industrial Technological Development, who welcomed the attendees and pointed out in their speech the importance of continuing to carry out activities such as this Conference. that highlight the importance of continuing to work in the Circular Economy. Next, Marisa Fernández, Coordinator of the Control and Management area of the environment and resources of the CETMAR Foundation and Coordinator of the Technology for the Protection of the Coast and the Marine Environment (PROTECMA), representing GIEC, and as a teacher of ceremonies, commented on the structure of the Day and gave way to its presentations.

Firstly, Cristina González and Roberto Castelo, from the Spanish Technological Platform for Sustainable Chemistry and Steel, respectively, representing the GIEC, briefly presented its activities and objectives, highlighting its mission to exploit the potential of innovation and collaboration between strategic industrial sectors in Spain to move towards a circular economy that is efficient in the use of resources. In addition, they commented on the tool, which the Group makes available to interested parties, aimed at facilitating the identification and contact between agents of various value chains, «Connecting for a Circular Economy'».

Next, Carmen Durán, Technical Advisor of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, informed the attendees about the financing opportunities for projects related to the Circular Economy, highlighting the first call for funds. Next Generation EU.
Subsequently, Nieves González and Lydia González from the Directorate of EU Programs and Territorial Cooperation of the CDTI, explained the different financing opportunities present within the framework of Horizon Europe, focused on Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space and Cluster 6 : Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, these being the ones most closely related to the Circular Economy.
Finally, there were interventions by Angels Orduña, Executive Director SPIRE 2030 and Nelo Emerencia, BIC Program Director, informed attendees about the European initiative for the formation of Partnerships, which include public and private partners, through which they can support the development and implementation of research programs and innovation activities in specific areas, highlighting the Partnerships Processes4Planet and Circular Bio-based Industries respectively.
After the presentations there was a question time, in which the questions raised by the attendees were resolved.

The closing was carried out by María Ángeles Ferre, Head of the Scientific-Technical Thematic Programs Subdivision of the AEI, who thanked all the organizing Technological Platforms for the great coordination they have shown for this event; and Belén García, Director of the Spanish Packaging and Packaging Technology Platform (PACKNET) and representative of GIEC, who after thanking the speakers and attendees again, ended the day.