BIOVEGEN attends the presentation of the SPTO Strategic Plan 2021-2024

This morning BIOVEGEN attended the presentation of the Strategic Plan of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) for the period 2021-2024. The meeting, which took place in the assembly hall of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MINCOTUR), was chaired by the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Ms. Reyes Maroto Illera, the Undersecretary of MINCOTUR and President of the OEPM, Mr. Pablo Garde Lobo and by the Director of the OEPM, José A. Gil Celedonio.
The event served to present this document, which is the letter of presentation of the OEPM as a national and international industrial property organization, and provides the necessary action plan to achieve the five general objectives established therein, and thus allow the fulfillment of the Mission and scope of the office's Vision. You can access the full document at the following link.