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SESSION I of the BIOTECH ATTRACTION conference cycle held

Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect last Thursday hosted the first session of the BIOTECH ATTRACTION conference cycle: ““Potential of agrobiology for new agriculture”.

The BIOTECH ATTRACTION cycle aims to show the technological trends that will mark the future of agriculture, as well as examples of innovative companies and projects that work on these topics. From BIOVEGEN, as a public-private association focused on supporting innovation in the sector and a collaborator of FRUIT ATTRACTION, we intend with this cycle to show the technological and financing opportunities that are opening up to the sector through technological innovation, which offers new products, varieties, new crop applications, new tools, greater efficiency in production, lower environmental impact... In short, show how technological innovation in the sector, enhanced by the tools that emerge from in-depth knowledge of plant biology, provides “business opportunities and competitiveness to the entire value chain of the agri-food sector”

The first session, held on Thursday October 8 and which was titled ““New tools for the development of varieties and plant material”, It was inaugurated by Raúl Calleja, director of Fruit Attraction and Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna, manager of BIOVEGEN. During the event, within the business section, speakers of recognized prestige participated, such as Gabino Sánchez, Business Development Director of Hudson River Biotechnology; Francisco Javier Puyo, breeder of unite, and  José Cuenca, director of Avasa. Regarding the presentation of
science-business projects were present by Manuel Talón, from the Valencian Institute of Agrarian Research (IVIA), who explained the project Gocitrus; Mónica Pradillo, from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), who spoke about the project MEICOM, and Cristina Ferrándiz, from the Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Institute – IBMCP (CSIC), who explained the work of SUS-CROP RICE.

Recording of SESSION I

Program and presentations of the Conference

11:00 a.m. Welcome and introduction

  • IFEMA. Raul Calleja. Director FRUIT ATTRACTION
  • BIOVEGEN. Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna. Manager

11:10 a.m. COMPANIES

  • Creating Tomorrow's Crops: Unique Challenges & Opportunities in Applying CRISPR in Plants. HUDSON RIVER BIOTECHNOLOGY. Gabino Sánchez. Business Development Director
  • UNITED GENETICS. Implementation of new biotechnological tools. UNIGEN. Francisco Javier Puyo. Sweet Pepper Plant Breeder
  • Varietal innovation in citrus fruits. AVASA. Jose Cuenca. Technical director


  • GOCITRUS: Innovation for citrus varietal identification and management. Manuel Talon. Valencian Institute of Agrarian Research (IVIA)
  • MEICOM project, crossing borders in agriculture. Monica Pradillo. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
  • HybRice: new biotechnological strategies for obtaining rice hybrids. Cristina Ferrándiz. Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants – IBMCP (CSIC-UPV)

12:10 p.m. Colloquium and questions

12:30 p.m. Conclusions and closing
