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R&D&I Projects

From the very beginning, BIOVEGEN has served as a communication channel for science-business interaction and technological transfer, boosting public-private collaboration, identifying emerging technologies and detecting new technological challenges for the sector.

In this context BIOVEGEN has mobilized more than 400 R&D proposals through the “BIOVEGEN R&D Proposals newsletter” generating a large number of contacts between public and private stakeholders in order to promote R&D projects.

Besides theses R&D proposals, BIOVEGEN manages other projects which, by their nature and confidentiality, are treated in a highly targeted and personalized manner. In addition to these activities, BIOVEGEN is a direct participant in different local, national, international projects:

BIOVEGEN is currently participating in several R&D&I projects:

  • Title: BioBridges
  • Call: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU)
